we are running Piwik 2.2.2. Since Version 2.0 the weekly email report doesn’t work. When I try to send the report manually I get the following error message:
API returned an error: Trying to add two strings values in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray: ‘0%’ + ‘100%’ at Row.php:581
I did the upgrade and got the following error message on the Dashboard:
Failed to load HTML file: Please check your server configuration. You may want to whitelist “*.html” files from the “plugins” directory. The HTTP status code is 403 for URL “plugins/ZenMode/angularjs/quick-access/quick-access.html”
<IfModule !mod_version.c>
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
Require all granted
Further I found this hint here in the forum:
I fixed the problem by changing the permissions from 750 to 755 of: