With Firefox, I can see this furtive message “.Oops… problem during the request, please try again.”
How can I get more informations ?
With Firefox, I can see this furtive message “.Oops… problem during the request, please try again.”
How can I get more informations ?
I tried the solutions proposed in the thread http://forum.piwik.org/read.php?2,78043 as i thought it may have the same origin, but nothing better.
So i’m moving back to 1.4 wich works fine, hoping a later update will solve this.
I think it’s probably a problem with the hosting, but since i have 2 hostings (mutualized) of the exact same kind by OVH, with Piwik working fine on one and on the other not, i don’t know where to look.
Look in your error logs? can you see anything?
Yes, as I wrote before :
“Premature end of script headers”
Same problem with piwik 1.5.1
Since I installed 1.5.1 I can not reproduce the bug anymore. I’ll report here if it comes back.
I purged all de tmp files, and I get the same bug
Installed 1.5.1 from fresh. Same bug.
No error log on server however
Same problem with me. Clearing up /tmp/templates_c didn’t help either.
I am hosted by OVH. I do not understand what is going on… Would appreciate some help.
for the error that you can’t reinstall Piwik after deleting the config file, see the file:
please try the patch in http://dev.piwik.org/trac/changeset/5024
For the other problem (random config.ini.php that is “not found”) we haven’t been able to replicate yet
What exact problems do you guys have? can you each explain
One website with the trouble is running php 4.4.9 with php 5 enabled through “SetEnv PHP_VER 5” in htaccess file;
The other one with same problem is running php 5.2.17 (both hosted by OVH)
A third one running also php 5.2.17 has not the issue. (OVH again)…
Please take a look at http://blog.lecrayon.org/stats with anonymous login to see the problem.
Errors are random on widgets but the page never loads correctly. Allways one or more"config file not found".
edit: Some of the small graphs in overview are not generated, while some are.
Error log is empty…
It looks like the attachment. But as mentioned before, which widgets are working or not changes at every refresh.
It runs on PHP Version 5.2.17, on a shared server at OVH.
I could copy-paste the phpinfo() if there is no security risk associated with doing that.
Hello, just upgraded from 1.4 to 1.5.1 and hit the same problem. Would appreciate a quick solution! I also have concerns that this not only effects display but also collection of data - e.g. we may lose a lot of stats until this gets resolved.
In addition to the random “config file not found” error I see another problem apparently not reported yet (maybe people didn’t realize it?): most widgets show “no data for this report”. I get only data for the Last visits graph, SEO Rankings and Visitor Log on my Dashboard. On all other pages/tabs none of the widgets has data. What’s been shown is the evolution graph.
I also notice that there are display errors. e.g. if I hover over the Referrers tab the sub links are shown correctly in the next line from left to right. But when I click any of the links, for instance Overview, then the links are shown one below the other and not in one line anymore. The rest of the page is not pushed down, so that links and text are partly overlapping. This cures after a minute or two and seems to be a script/Ajax timing problem in connection with missing CSS data. Maybe it’s browser related (IE9 here). Anyway, the big problem is the missing data for the reports!
I wanted to remove a widget (List of keywords) and re-add it to see if that cures the problem. However, it’s not in the list “Add a widget” - so how do I re-add it?
This is PHP 5.2.17 on Centos 5.6 from IUS repo. None of the earlier updates created a problem like this. No errors in any log. Hosting by myself. Database has 64 tables and 450 MB of data.
Website uses safe_mode (switching it off makes no difference). Database update was done on command line and took quite long (longer than ever before). However, it said it succeeded. I noticed a safe_mode related error after that update which is a bit surprising as the command-line version doesn’t use safe_mode. See below. Note, I was standing in /root at that time, so the script may have a bug concerning current working/piwik dir and was trying to do something in /root instead of the piwik directory. Therefore I assume safe_mode is not related to the problem.
d14:~ php /var/www/web11/web/index.php -- "module=CoreUpdater"
*** Update ***
Database Upgrade Required
Your Piwik database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can
Piwik database will be upgraded from version 1.4 to the new version 1.5.1.
The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.
Piwik has been successfully updated!
<div style='word-wrap: break-word; border: 3px solid red; padding:4px; width:70%; background-color:#FFFF96;'>
<strong>There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the <a href='?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=http://forum.piwik.org' target='_blank'>Piwik forums</a> (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).<br /><br/>
Warning:</strong> <i>chdir(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 48 is not allowed to access /root owned by uid 0</i> in <b>/var/www/web11/web/core/Config.php</b> on line <b>171</b>
<br /><br />Backtrace --><div style="font-family:Courier;font-size:10pt">#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(...) called at [:]#1 chdir(...) called at [/var/www/web11/web/core/Config.php:171]#2 Piwik_Config->__destruct(...) called at [:]</div><br />
</pre></div><br />
<div style='word-wrap: break-word; border: 3px solid red; padding:4px; width:70%; background-color:#FFFF96;'>
<strong>There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the <a href='?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=http://forum.piwik.org' target='_blank'>Piwik forums</a> (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).<br /><br/>
Warning:</strong> <i>chdir(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 48 is not allowed to access /root owned by uid 0</i> in <b>/var/www/web11/web/core/Config.php</b> on line <b>171</b>
<br /><br />Backtrace --><div style="font-family:Courier;font-size:10pt">#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(...) called at [:]#1 chdir(...) called at [/var/www/web11/web/core/Config.php:171]#2 Piwik_Config->__destruct(...) called at [:]</div><br />
</pre></div><br />d14:~
Addition. There was a referral to another thread that mentions to delete tmp/templates_c and tmp/assets. Deleting the latter does not cure the config file problem, but it repopulated all my widgets with data, at least for now.
Please see [dev.piwik.org]
[/quote]I tried the change in FrontController.php, but no difference.
How do you increase number of concurrent MySQL connections ?
I see the bug ticket’s status is now closed.
But i tried the 3 fixes in 5052 (global.ini.php, session.php and FrontController.php ) and issue is still there.
This topic is NOT closed (or maybe automatically… I don’t know),
No real solution was proposed, and the bug is still here. (v1.5.1)
How can I reactivate this topic ?
Does any development team read this forum, or should I post in another section ?
Sorry, I’ve got no solution
Help, we need somebody… Help ! You know we need someone… Heeeeelp ! ! ! (ty. the Beatles :D)
Piwik 1.5.1 onwards has a better upgrade mechanism which should really lower such problems.
However, if you have the error on your piwik it will have to be manually fixed…