Error when connecting to Piwik: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Now i’m running following command, but still facing some issues.

C:\>python "path\piwik\misc\log-analytics\" --debug --url=xxxxxxxxxxx/piwik
        / --add-sites-new-hosts "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apach
        e2.2\logs\access.log" --idsite=1 --recorders=1

2016-05-10 15:05:43,288: [DEBUG] Accepted hostnames: all
2016-05-10 15:05:43,289: [DEBUG] Piwik URL is: xxxxxxxxxxxx
2016-05-10 15:05:43,289: [DEBUG] No token-auth specified
2016-05-10 15:05:43,290: [DEBUG] No credentials specified, reading them from "C:
\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\piwik\config\co
2016-05-10 15:05:44,825: [DEBUG] Authentication token token_auth is: 90871c8584d
2016-05-10 15:05:44,825: [DEBUG] Resolver: static
2016-05-10 15:05:44,829: [INFO] Error when connecting to Piwik: HTTP Error 404:
Not Found
2016-05-10 15:05:44,829: [INFO] Retrying request, attempt number 2
2016-05-10 15:05:54,835: [INFO] Error when connecting to Piwik: HTTP Error 404:
Not Found
2016-05-10 15:05:54,835: [INFO] Retrying request, attempt number 3
2016-05-10 15:06:04,842: [INFO] Error when connecting to Piwik: HTTP Error 404:
Not Found
2016-05-10 15:06:04,842: [INFO] Max number of attempts reached, server is unreac
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\piwik
\misc\log-analytics\", line 2571, in <module>
    resolver = config.get_resolver()
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\piwik
\misc\log-analytics\", line 1205, in get_resolver
    return StaticResolver(self.options.site_id)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\piwik
\misc\log-analytics\", line 1616, in __init__
    'SitesManager.getSiteFromId', idSite=self.site_id
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\piwik
\misc\log-analytics\", line 1599, in call_api
    return cls._call_wrapper(cls._call_api, None, None, method, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\piwik
\misc\log-analytics\", line 1586, in _call_wrapper
    raise Piwik.Error(message, code)
__main__.Error: HTTP Error 404 Not Found, response: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IE
TF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /piwik// was not found on this server.</p>

Anyone can help me in this?

I’m trying to figure out this error right now too. In your case have you tried not ending the Piwik url with a slash? This might fix it since you get the error : /piwik// was not found
In my case I think the problem might have started when I enabled development mode. So if you’ve done that it seems to break things like log-analytics