Error in WP under Matomo Alanytics Reporting

In WP with the Matomo plugin i get this message under the reporting section

“Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your Matomo administrator for assistance.”

System rep:

			  # Matomo
  • Matomo Plugin Version: 5.0.6
  • Config exists and is writable.: Yes (“$abs_path/wp-content/uploads/matomo/config/config.ini.php” )
  • JS Tracker exists and is writable.: Yes (“$abs_path/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js” )
  • Plugin directories: Yes ([{“pluginsPathAbsolute”:“$abs_path/wp-content/plugins/matomo/plugins”,“webrootDirRelativeToMatomo”:“…/plugins”}])
  • Tmp directory writable: Yes ($abs_path/wp-content/cache/matomo)
  • Matomo Version: 5.0.2
  • Matomo Blog idSite: 1
  • Matomo Install Version: 5.0.6 (Install date: 2024-05-06 07:21:22)
  • Upgrades outstanding: No
  • Upgrade in progress: No


  • Matomo JavaScript Tracker URL: ($site_url/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js)
  • Matomo JavaScript Tracker - WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
  • Matomo HTTP Tracking API: ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/matomo.php)
  • Matomo HTTP Tracking API - WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)


  • Server time: 2024-06-10 10:30:22
  • Blog time: 2024-06-10 10:30:22 (Below dates are shown in blog timezone)
  • Sync users & sites: Next run: 2024-06-11 07:32:31 (21 hours 2 min) ( Last started: 2024-06-10 07:47:06 (-2 hours 43 min). Last ended: 2024-06-10 07:47:06 (-2 hours 43 min). Interval: daily)
  • Archive: Next run: 2024-06-10 10:21:26 (-8 min 56s) ( Last started: 2024-06-10 09:32:06 (-58 min 16s). Last ended: 2024-06-10 09:32:07 (-58 min 15s). Interval: hourly)
  • Update GeoIP DB: Next run: 2024-07-05 07:32:31 (24 days 21 hours) ( Last started: 2024-06-05 07:47:02 (-5 days 2 hours). Last ended: 2024-06-05 07:47:03 (-5 days 2 hours). Interval: matomo_monthly)

Mandatory checks

  • PHP version >= 7.2.5: ok
  • PDO extension: ok
  • PDO\MYSQL extension: ok
  • MYSQLI extension: ok
  • Other required extensions: ok
  • Required functions: ok
  • Required PHP configuration (php.ini): ok
  • Directories with write access: ok
  • Directories with write access for Tag Manager: ok

Optional checks

  • 64-bit PHP Binary: ok
  • Tracker status: ok
  • Memory limit: ok
  • Time zone: ok
  • Open URL: ok
  • GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics): ok
  • Other extensions: ok
  • Warning Other functions: warning (shell_exec It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. . set_time_limit mail parse_ini_file glob gzopen md5_file )
  • Filesystem: ok
  • Last Successful Archiving Completion: ok
  • Database abilities: ok
  • Max Packet Size: ok
  • Geolocation: ok
  • Update over HTTPS: ok
  • Mobile Messaging SMS Provider: ok
  • Supports Async Archiving: No
  • Async Archiving Disabled in Setting: No
  • Location provider ID: geoip2php
  • Location provider available: Yes
  • Location provider working: Yes
  • Warning Proxy header: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (A proxy header is set which means you maybe need to configure a proxy header in the Advanced settings to make location reporting work. If the location in your reports is detected correctly, you can ignore this warning.
  • Warning Proxy header: HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP (A proxy header is set which means you maybe need to configure a proxy header in the Advanced settings to make location reporting work. If the location in your reports is detected correctly, you can ignore this warning.
  • Had visit in last 5 days: Yes
  • Matomo URL: Yes ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/)

Matomo Settings

  • Track mode: default
  • Track ecommerce: Yes
  • Track codeposition: footer
  • Track api endpoint: default
  • Track js endpoint: default
  • Version history: 5.0.6
  • Core version: 5.0.2
  • Last tracking settings update: 1715071451
  • Last settings update: 1715071451
  • Show get started page: 0
  • Track content: all
  • Track search: Yes


  • None:


  • Home URL: $site_url
  • Site URL: $site_url
  • WordPress Version: 6.5.2
  • Number of blogs: 1
  • Multisite Enabled: No
  • Network Enabled: No
  • WP_DEBUG: No
  • WP_CACHE: Yes
  • WP_CONTENT_URL: $site_url/wp-content
  • WP_CONTENT_DIR: $abs_path/wp-content
  • UPLOADS: -
  • WPLANG: -
  • Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
  • Possibly uses symlink: No
  • Upload base url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads
  • Upload base dir: $abs_path/wp-content/uploads
  • Upload url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads/2024/06
  • Custom upload_path:
  • Custom upload_url_path:
  • Compatible content directory: Yes
  • WP_Filesystem Initialized: Yes

WordPress Plugins

MU Plugins

  • Kinsta Must-use Plugins: 3.0.0
  • rommel-hosting.php: 1.1.1
  • smart-component-include.php:


  • Advanced Custom Fields PRO: 6.1.6
  • Disable Comments: 2.4.6
  • Disable Emails: 1.8.2
  • Disable REST API: 1.8
  • Easy WP SMTP: 2.3.0
  • Employees: 1.1.0
  • Gravity Forms: 2.8.8
  • Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.: 5.0.6
  • Polylang: 3.6.1
  • Post Types Order: 2.2.1
  • Redirection: 5.4.2
  • Reusable Gutenberg Blocks Widget: 1.0
  • Rommel Blocks: 0.2.0
  • Univar Contact Info Pop-up: 1.1.1
  • Univar Cookie Consent: 0.1.0
  • Univar File Library: 1.0.1
  • Univar Tag Manager: 0.1.0
  • Widget Options:
  • WP Help: 1.7.5
  • WP Rocket: 3.15.10
  • Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.5
  • Yoast SEO: 22.5
  • Active Plugins: 18 (polylang:3.6.1 gravityforms:2.8.8 advanced-custom-fields-pro:6.1.6 disable-comments:2.4.6 disable-json-api:1.8 duplicate-post:4.5 matomo:5.0.6 post-types-order:2.2.1 r-employee:1.1.0 redirection:5.4.2 reusable-gutenberg-blocks-widget:1.0 rommel-blocks:0.2.0 univar-contact-info-pop-up:1.1.1 univar-file-archive:1.0.1 univar-tag-manager:0.1.0 wordpress-seo:22.5 wp-help:1.7.5 wp-rocket:3.15.10)
  • Theme: univar (univar)


  • Server Info: nginx/1.25.5
  • PHP OS: Linux
  • PHP Version: 8.2.17
  • PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
  • PHP Binary Name: /usr/sbin/php-fpm8.2
  • PHP Maxmind DB extension: Not loaded
  • PHP Error Reporting: 4437 After bootstrap: 4437
  • Timezone: UTC
  • WP timezone: +00:00
  • Locale: en_US
  • User Locale: en_US
  • Memory Limit: 256M (At least 128MB recommended. Depending on your traffic 256MB or more may be needed.)
  • WP Memory Limit: 128M
  • WP Max Memory Limit: 256M
  • Timezone version: 0.system
  • Time: 1718015422
  • Max Execution Time: 300
  • Max Post Size: 128M
  • Max Upload Size: 134217728
  • Max Input Vars: 10000
  • Disabled PHP functions: Yes (exec, passthru, shell_exec, system, proc_open, popen, show_source, apache_child_terminate, apache_get_modules, apache_get_version, apache_getenv, apache_note, apache_setenv, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, posix_getpwuid, posix_uname, pclose, dl, diskfreespace, disk_total_space, pcntl_exec, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_terminate, symlink, link, pcntl_alarm, pcntl_fork, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wait, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wtermsig, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_signal, pcntl_signal_dispatch, pcntl_get_last_error, pcntl_strerror, pcntl_sigprocmask, pcntl_sigwaitinfo, pcntl_sigtimedwait, pcntl_exec, pcntl_getpriority, pcntl_setpriority, highlight_file, lchgrp, lchown, prog_get_status, getmypid, getmyuid, getmygid, getrusage, getmyinode, get_current_user, libxml_disable_entity_loader)
  • zlib.output_compression is off: Yes
  • Curl Version: 7.68.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1j
  • Suhosin installed: No


  • MySQL Version: 10.11.5
  • Mysqli Connect: Yes
  • Force MySQL over Mysqli: No
  • DB Prefix: wp_
  • DB CHARSET: utf8
  • Uses Socket: No
  • Uses IPv6: No
  • Matomo tables found: 61
  • DB tables exist: Yes
  • Matomo users found: 4
  • Matomo sites found: 1
  • Required permissions: OK


  • Browser: (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
  • Language: en-gb,en-us,en

Hi @eriknp
Can you check in the Matomo error log file if you see any hint?

I cant find the Error logs anywhere

Hi @eriknp

Did you find the error log file?

No, and i can read that i need another plugin for it. But the WP system isn’t able to add plugins. Is there another way to acces them?

Hi @eriknp
I have no knowledge in WP, only in Matomo.
I think clues are in the error log file if any…

The only logs i can acces is the one i postet in the original post. Im still blank on how or what do for a solution.