Error in Matomo for Wordpress

Hi, i just installed this, with high hopes!
First problem is I don’t know what to do in the settings pages, it says tracking code disabled, yet I just installed and clicked to start tracking, so I don’t know if it should say that or if I need to change it.
More concerning… On the “Privacy and GDPR” tab in the plugin settings, all the links give a 404 error. For example if i click “Anonymise data and IP addresses”, i get a 404, page doesn’t exist.
Any ideas appreciated! thanks

Hi @Timmy thanks for reaching out, sorry for the delay.

Are you able to provide us a copy of your System Check for us to review further? There may be a plugin compatibility issue. How do I find and copy the system report in Matomo for WordPress?

And if possible a screenshot of this occurring and the page you are tracking.