Error Filechecks.php(179)

WARNING: /core/Filechecks.php(179): Warning - get_current_user() has been disabled for security reasons - Matomo 5.0.0 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) (Module: CoreUpdater, Action: newVersionAvailable, In CLI mode: false)

php 7.4

After turning on php 8.1, there is no message, but the update cannot be uploaded. I get an error: Call to undefined function Piwik\get_current_user()

Same here, php 8.2, after update to 5.01 using automatic updater.

Hi @Szymon_Szostok, @khungio
Probably your PHP provider disabled this function. Can you ask to activate it?

Yes, my provider disable this function for security reasons. There is no possibility of change. From what I’ve read, many shared hosting sites have this disabled

Thanks for the fast reply, Philippe.
As the message mentions “security reasons” and my Matomo instance is hosted on a (somehow?) shared machine, I am very careful about asking my provider to maybe(?) “decrease security”.
Until now I did not become aware of other warnings or malfunctions besides the updater (well, I’m not a “Power User”…)
Will there be other functionality affected within already planned features/updates?
Just in case, I might probably prefer to move Matomo onto a fully self-administered local machine (due to less potential, not only technical “side effects”).
The reason for my message was not “pain”, but the willingness to fullfill my responsibility for Matomo to get even better. :wink:

Hi @Szymon_Szostok
For the installation,then I think you can’t use the automatic update, you’ll have to do it manually be unzipping new versions (and do some manual command to update database…)