Error After Update, I dont know why

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 1.10.1) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Notice: Undefined index: sitesearch in /var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/Site.php on line 265

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/Site.php:265]
#1 Piwik_Site::getFor(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/Site.php:331]
#2 Piwik_Site::isSiteSearchEnabledFor(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/plugins/Actions/Actions.php:558]
#3 Piwik_Actions->isSiteSearchEnabled(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/plugins/Actions/Actions.php:546]
#4 Piwik_Actions->addMenus(…) called at [:]
#5 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/libs/Event/Dispatcher.php:284]
#6 Event_Dispatcher->postNotification(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/PluginsManager.php:723]
#7 Piwik_PostEvent(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/Menu/Main.php:65]
#8 Piwik_Menu_Main->get(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/Menu/Main.php:90]
#9 Piwik_GetMenu(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/Controller.php:61]
#10 Piwik_CoreHome_Controller->getDefaultIndexView(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/Controller.php:95]
#11 Piwik_CoreHome_Controller->index(…) called at [:]
#12 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/core/FrontController.php:138]
#13 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/var/www/web2/html/piwik/index.php:53]

This is the Error Message, Can you help me please ;o))

See: Update - Analytics Platform - Matomo for the solution

Hi Matt, Thanks for your reply. I use the google language tool :wink: Unfortunately, this solution does not work. Unfortunately I do not know why.

have you run the SQL query replacing 1.x with 1.9.3 ?

Yes, I did it, but the Error is everytime.

were you updating from 1.9 ? try set 1.x to 1.9 ?