Error 406 on android

I am quite new to Matomo.
What I did so far is to install the system and everything works fine. I set the tracking codes, set a 2FA, I changed some settings and all is good.
Now I am trying to use the mobile app but I get a weird error. I am on Android.
It says “There was an error ‘406: Not acceptable’”.
If I try to access the same Access Url with a browser it works straight away.

So I was thinking:

  1. Should I disable 2FA for first the access from the mobile App?
  2. Is there some php module I need to activate and install?
  3. Something on .htaccess file?

Hi @enricogalli
I think this is a server configuration error:

Just to give a quick update I tried to remove the .htaccess file and also add some content on it following instructions from different blog posts but I had no luck.
I will try to install matomo on a different server and on a containerized instance and I will post the results here

I’ve made some test.

  1. I tried to install matomo using docker and access that using the Android app. Everything works as expected. No errors
  2. I checked the response sent back from the server and the URL of my original installation returns a 200 code, so it seems everything is fine from server side but I still get that error 406 if I try to use the mobile app with that URL.

Unfortunately I don’t have access to error logs on that server cause it’s a shared hosting. I thought it was a php version issue but nothing changed even with different php version. I also tried removing 2FA or setting * as CORS.

Anyone has a hint?
I think it’s something I cannot fix on a shared hosting.

Hi @enricogalli
Probably the Android app sends an unauthorized HTTP header in the point of view of your server… You may ask your host to understand the issue…