Endless 302 redirections after 3.0.4 upgrade


I’m using Piwik for a website hosted on OVH, where I only have access through FTP.
After upgrading to 3.0.4 version everything seemed to be working properly for a while, but now I have infinite 302 redirections and Firefox displays the The page isn’t redirecting properly error. Same error when using the Piwik mobile app.

I tried to do a fresh install of 3.0.4 version in another directory and there is no redirection errors in that case.

How could I try to debug this issue?

I found the issue by comparing the files in a fresh install and the one I have on the server. It was caused by the ForceSSL plugin. Just disabling it allowed me to access Piwik again, and enabling it reactivated the endless redirections.

I could repair my Piwik install just by adding the following lines to the config/config.ini.php file, as suggested by the Piwik FAQ:

assume_secure_protocol = 1