Enable intranet tracking


I have try to search for this information but I couldn’t found my answer.
We are using piwik for multiples web application, some of them are only available on our intranet.

By enable the intranet feature with:
trust_visitors_cookies = 1

Will this feature have any impact on our external websites ?

Should we create 2 instances of piwik:

  • One for our intranet application
  • One for our extranet application

Thanks for your help

I might found my answer by myselft.

I might have a higher number of new visitor if the users are cleaning they cookies, am I right?

Yes correct. How do I tell Piwik to track Unique Visitors based on the Visitor ID cookie, instead of using IP Address? - Analytics Platform - Matomo
it would be better to create separate Piwik install for intranet, so that this setting does not impact other websites which are not intranet