Emailed report issues

We are not getting any graphs in our html emailed reports. If we click the download option in the reports section, the images show.

We also tried setting it to PDF, we get the email but no PDF attachment

Our WordPress instance is being hosted on SiteGround.

Is there anything we should be looking at to figure out what may be happening.

Somewhere along the way I would expect an error message.

First a quick thing to look at. Sometimes you may see something interesting upon checking the following path:
Dashboard > Statistics > Settings > Notifications > Statistical report

Then, three things to consider:

  • You can check the email server for an error
  • Or Matomo may have generated errors
  • Or the receipient’s mail server may have stripped images

That last one happens a lot in our inbox for emails. Both the sender and receiver have email servers that do random things with inline images. Can you send through a variety of routes, a variety of recipient email servers (send it to your own personal email, and to someone else’s personal email, to test it)?