Email report PDF file is blank

Hi forum,

I ran a search before posting this question but did not find anything relevant.

I’m running the latest version of Piwik and I’m having trouble with the Email Report function.

I can schedule a report to be emailed to me and I configured the stats that I want to include on the report but when I click “download file” or “send report now” the PDF file is blank.

On the first Page I see the Piwik logo, on subsequent pages I see blank pages. Some of them have tables but they are empty.

What is happening?

Dodd, what language are you using? Try with english maybe.

If doesn’t work, please send a PM with your Piwik url, login and password, bug description and steps to reproduce.

Disregard that. The issue is not with Piwik.

I was opening the PDF file using Foxit (free alternative to Adobe Reader) but when I opened the same file on Adobe Reader 9.4 it displayed all results flawlessly.

I should have checked that before making this thread but it’s helpful to know that Foxit may not work well with PDFs from Piwik.

Thank you very much for your time though.