Ecommerce question: How to track 2-30+ product views on a single page?

Hi Piwik team,

We have added full Piwik E-commerce-tracking support for CBSubs paid memberships management software for its 1.3 release, and we are facing an issue:

We would like to track multiple ecommerce products views in 1 page view tracker… similar to ecommerce cart/purchase tracking.

We didn’t find a way to resolve without having many http-requests and many “fake” page-views logged, actually one of each per product displayed on the page that we wish to track view in the E-commerce integration. That’s an issue in terms of request-times, cpu-loads, and increases wrongly by large amounts page views.

We would like to track that page with multiple products-view, as it will allow to measure the conversions per product displayed.

We are using and appreciating multi-category support, and use it to identify the product type (membership, donation, merchandise). So using category views isn’t really an option, and it won’t track the products conversion rate for any product on that page of course.

We have implemented Javascript, deferred javascript and PHP library methods to integrate at user’s choice, but all seem to have the same limitation.

Also when a customer refreshes his purchase-tracked page (in JS mode), the page isn’t tracked as a refresh, but as a second view, when supplying a custom title and url to the tracker, but this does not happen when we remove the custom title and url.

I’m wondering how we could solve thse two issues or how we could help you to solve them ? :slight_smile:

Thanks for your work on Piwik, it’s becoming a fantastic tool! :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Only way to track multiple products is by triggering multiple requests… By design.

Also when a customer refreshes his purchase-tracked page (in JS mode), the page isn’t tracked as a refresh, but as a second view

Refresh/second views are the same in Piwik, or do you mean that it created a new visit for the second page view?