Easy Digital Downloads for self-hosted Matomo

I’m self-hosting Matomo and loving it. For the past few days I’ve been trying to integrate Ecommerce tracking for Easy Digital Downloads, and it’s proven difficult.

Given that Matomo for Wordpress (not the self-hosted one) already has EDD support built in, has someone tried yet to fork the code from \classes\WpMatomo\Ecommerce\EasyDigitalDownloads.php to work as a standalone plugin?

My attempts at doing this so far have been fruitless, particularly because this code uses the $this->make_matomo_js_tracker_call( $params ) and I’m not sure how to rewrite it to use my already existing tracker.

Hi @burninc0de
Browsing this:

It seems no…
Did you try to ask at EDD support or forum?
Note that you can manually track e-commerce events via:

Client side


Server side

The self-hosed Matomo (as a WordPress) plugin has an option “Enable ecommerce” and the description also says it should work with EDD.

Did you try that?

I had to build my own Matomo action to track orders from EDD for another reason and could share the PHP code for that.


Thanks! The plugin didn’t work as expected (for whatever reason) so I also ended up just writing my own php tracking.

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