Download Counter via Link

Hey guys,

I have a nice suggestion for a new feature. In my blog I’d like to include a downloadable ZIP-file. My blog posts are published in several public feedreaders, so some of my readers aren’t “really” on my blog post page. Piwik is just able to count downloads via outgoing links to some file extentions.

My suggestion: Give a download-link-click-counter that counts actual clicks. They could look like this:

Every click on this link, no matter whether the reader is in fact on the blog post, gives a +1 to the downloadcounter.

What do you think?

Cheers, Nooster


I have a similar use case.
just started to use matomo so I am new.
I see that most people just pull the file download link instead of the whole blog redirection.
Even I added custom file extension to be used to track the file download but that didnt work either.

Did you get it to work ?