Download actions not appearing on dashboard

Hello! This is my first time using an analytics tool like this so forgive me if I’m overlooking something simple. I’d like to use Matomo to track how many times files are downloaded from my website, but even though the download actions are being logged as part of the visit, they aren’t showing up under Behavior - Downloads. The download is triggered by a simple <a> tag pointing to a .zip file, which is one of the supported extensions for download tracking, so I’m not sure what else I need to do to get them to show up. Could anyone advise on how to resolve this? Please refer to the screenshot below:

Visit log showing four download actions:

It seems I’m only allowed to attach one image, but on the dashboard the Downloads widget simply says “There is no data for this report.”, even after refreshing.

Thank you for your time!

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After letting it sit overnight, the downloads started showing up in the dashboard. False alarm!