Downgrade to 2.14.3


is it possible to downgrade from 2.15.0 to 2.14.3? I mean, can I simply replace the installation or were there any changes to the database?
I can’t stand the new left menu and it’s so significant problem for me that 2.14.3 is probably the last version for me unless enough people will be unhappy and they’ll bring back the top menu.


I’d also like to request a return of the top menu, at least as an option. I could fit more columns in the reports and see larger graphs when the menu is out of the way at the top.

Ironically, I discovered “Zen Mode” about 5 mins before I upgraded. I was so happy, Zen Mode seemed like the best user interface, then I upgraded and the menu went to the left and Zen Mode disappeared.

thanks, Rob

I just found this on another thread, a custom style sheet which moves the menu back to the top: Custom Styles to put the Piwik menu back on top (Piwik 3.0.2) · GitHub

I’m using Chrome and installed it with this extension Stylish - Custom themes for any website - Chrome Web Store

yggi49 at github came up with a css which moves the menu back to the top, works nice for me, even though it would be better to integrate it directly into piwik

LOL you were faster :slight_smile:


Thanks! Yeah, works great, good enough for me.