Double-counting in stats?


I’m a brand nnew user and, comparing Piwik (which I love) to Analytics, I find that stats are far higher - almost double - in Piwik. I’m wondering if there isn’t some double counting going on.

Here’s an example from “Visitors in real time”:

Wed 4 May - 20:15:16 (0s) [South Africa, Provider Mweb] [Internet Explorer 8.0, Plugins: java] [Windows XP, 1024x576] - IP:
from Google - “montagu accommodation penny lane” #5
Pages: [ - Wed 4 May 20:15:16]

Wed 4 May - 20:15:16 (0s) [South Africa, Provider Mweb] [Internet Explorer 8.0, Plugins: java] [Windows XP, 1024x576] - IP:
from Google - “montagu accommodation penny lane” #5
Pages: [Directory - Accommodation - Guest houses - Penny Lane Lodge - Wed 4 May 20:15:16]

Any suggestions?


Looking at your site, you have put the Piwik javascript tracking code twice

This is all that I have in:

It’s only included in the template once but I do see now that it shows as duplicated in the source code online. I have no idea why and I will try positioning it somewhere else.