Hi - I feel like I must be missing something, because I can’t seem to find anyone with the same issue. So please set me right!
I want to be able to track clicks on the items in my drop-down menus. I know I can track views of the pages linked to, but I don’t see how I can tell how many people got there via the menu as opposed to another means.
I had thought using campaigns would make sense, giving me something like this:
Buy something = http://site.com/?pk_campaign=menu&pk_kwd=buy
Learn about stuff = http://site.com/?pk_campaign=menu&pk_kwd=learn
Contact us = http://site.com/?pk_campaign=menu&pk_kwd=contact
Something else = http://site.com/?pk_campaign=menu&pk_kwd=else
I can easily do this and they tell exactly how people are using my menus. But it doesn’t seem like anyone does this, so I’m wondering if it’s necessary. Is there a better way to get that kind of info that doesn’t require adjusting the links? Or is it just that no one bothers to do this kind of tracking?