Disable data limit: How to show more than 100 entries for sub-subfolders at Behaviour > Pages

If I go to Behaviour > Pages and click on a sub-subfolder, only 100 pages are shown:

- organisations
 - category
  + surgery
  + tinnitus
  + ...
  + oncology (sub-subfolder 100)

As suggested in the FAQ, I edited config/config.ini.php to disable the data limit for pages and to show 5000 entries.

My config/config.ini.php:

force_ssl = 1
trusted_hosts[] = "mydomain.de"
; maximum number of rows for any of the Referers tables (keywords, search engines, campaigns, etc.), and Custom variables names
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_referrers = 5000
; maximum number of rows for any of the Referers subtable (search engines by keyword, keyword by campaign, etc.), and Custom variables values
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_referrers = 5000
; maximum number of rows for any of the Actions tables (pages, downloads, outlinks)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions = 5000
; maximum number of rows for pages in categories (sub pages, when clicking on the + for a page category)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions = 5000
; maximum number of rows for any of the Events tables (Categories, Actions, Names)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_events = 5000
; maximum number of rows for sub-tables of the Events tables (eg. for the subtables Categories>Actions or Categories>Names).
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_events = 100
; maximum number of rows for all individual Custom Dimensions reports, and for Custom Variables names report
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_custom_variables = 5000
; maximum number of rows for the Custom Dimensions subtables (list of all Page URLs per dimension value), and for Custom Variables values reports
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_custom_variables = 5000
; maximum number of rows for the Site Search table
 datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_site_search = 5000

Unfortunatelly datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions = 5000 seems not to work. (At least for sub-subfolders) There are still only 100 sub-subfolder shown.

Is it possible to disable the pages limit for sub-subfolders?

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Same issue here. I was not able to make this work. Did you? Any idea why this configuration does not work?