Difference between action url and page url

Why not make a new FAQ Point to answer that question?
People shouldn’t search in old Forum posts to find that answer.

It’s not intuitive to know what to use, when e.g. I just want to see load time of specific pages

To show the big effect of the selection:
I to compare two segments here, only difference is: The blue is “Action URL”, the Orange is “Event URL”
…still not knowing what to use :slight_smile:

Hi @1xU
Is your question related to Custom Report? How sis you exactly create this comparison? (which report, which segment definition, etc.?)

Hi. no, it’s not about custom reports.
I only created the comparison to show the big difference in the outcome in one a small image.
(How I did it is: create to identical segments which only difference is “actionURL” and “eventURL” in the other and compare them)
My actual question is: I don’t know which segment filter to use for what purpose. In my case I want to inspect and analyse loading times per view in our webapp (between different URLs) but I get completely different outputs and don’t understand why. Hence I don’t know which one to use.
Underneath three outputs with the three different URL segment filters (filter value “/event” is the same in all of them)

Event URL - contains - /event


Action URL - contains - /event


Page URL - contains - /event

(had to post it in three messages as it doesn’t allow me more than one image per post)


The key distinction between an action URL and a page URL lies in their purposes. The action URL typically refers to the URL where a specific action, such as form submission or interaction, takes place. It is associated with a particular activity or task.

On the other hand, the page URL represents the address of the webpage itself, providing the location of the content. While the page title might not necessarily match the action URL, both contribute to user interactions and analytics tracking.

In summary, action URLs are tied to specific actions or events, while page URLs denote the location of the content. Utilizing these dimensions for segmentation allows for a more detailed analysis of user behavior.

I hope this clarifies the difference. Feel free to ask if you have further questions!

Best regards,

Hi @1xU
Can you check on other reports if you see some differences, especially on page view reports?
As page performance metrics rely on visited page, we can then probably get clues …