In our privacy policy, we say we only track visitors for 30 days. How do I configure Piwik to be sure to delete everything about visitors before that time?
It describes how to purge Piwik logs, but in my experience, it doesn’t work. I think the reason is because my logs are getting archived before they get purged, so I have a bunch of tables with old data in them which need to be removed as well.
So my question is, how do I handle this properly? As of now, we are about 9 months behind in our privacy policy, which is pretty bad.
Do you want to remove also reports older than 30 days? It defies a bit the purpose of Piwik but you can do it: I updated the FAQ you linked to with more info.
The feature of automatically deleting old older than 7/30/N days is now available in Piwik, under Settings > Privacy > Delete old logs from the database.
The feature of automatically deleting old older than 7/30/N days is now available in Piwik, under Settings > Privacy > Delete old logs from the database.