Deleting logs properly

In our privacy policy, we say we only track visitors for 30 days. How do I configure Piwik to be sure to delete everything about visitors before that time?

I’ve seen the FAQ here: Troubleshooting - Analytics Platform - Matomo.

It describes how to purge Piwik logs, but in my experience, it doesn’t work. I think the reason is because my logs are getting archived before they get purged, so I have a bunch of tables with old data in them which need to be removed as well.

So my question is, how do I handle this properly? As of now, we are about 9 months behind in our privacy policy, which is pretty bad.


Do you want to remove also reports older than 30 days? It defies a bit the purpose of Piwik but you can do it: I updated the FAQ you linked to with more info.

Yup - that’s exactly what I wanted. We only keep logs for so long. After a while they become more of a liability, and less of a tool for analysis.

Thanks for the speedy update! I guess it’s on me to automate this…I’ll post back if I come up with anything creative.

Mike, if you are a developer, please take a look at: Lightweight Piwik mode: Setting to purge aggregated reports older than N days from the database · Issue #5473 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

I looked into this some more finally.

I did not realize that the reports don’t contain any PII, so we don’t need to delete them, but thank you Matt for the help with this.

The feature of automatically deleting old older than 7/30/N days is now available in Piwik, under Settings > Privacy > Delete old logs from the database.

This is available in the latest 1.5 RC release, check it out now and report if you have suggestions, directly in this post: 301 Moved Permanently

The feature of automatically deleting old older than 7/30/N days is now available in Piwik, under Settings > Privacy > Delete old logs from the database.

This is available in the latest 1.5 RC release, check it out now and report if you have suggestions, directly in this post: 301 Moved Permanently