DataTable report not showing zero values

Sure, here’s a post that you can use for the Matomo forum:

Title: DataTable report not showing zero values

Description: I’ve added the datatable_reports_show_zero_values = 1 setting to my config/config.ini.php file, but my DataTable report is still not showing rows with zero values. What could be the issue?

Hi everyone,

I’m having a problem with my DataTable report not showing rows with zero values, even though I’ve added the datatable_reports_show_zero_values = 1 setting to my config/config.ini.php file. I’ve tried troubleshooting the issue using the following steps:

  1. Verified that the setting is being applied correctly by going to the Matomo Administration > System > Diagnostic page and checking the datatable_reports_show_zero_values setting.
  2. Checked the report configuration to make sure that the “Exclude low population” option is disabled.
  3. Checked the segment to make sure that it’s not excluding rows with zero values.
  4. Cleared the Matomo cache using the “Clear Cache” button on the Matomo Administration > System > General Settings page.

However, none of these steps have resolved the issue. I’m still not seeing rows with zero values in my DataTable report. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to troubleshoot this issue further?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi @Naser_Aslam
On which report does this behave?
Looking at the GitHub ticket you probably created, it seems the configuration datatable_reports_show_zero_values doesn’t exist (I checked also on my own installation, I don’t have this), and there is no workaround…

Hi @heurteph-ei ,
Thanks for reaching out.

On which report does this behave?
I am creating/developing a custom report.

From the above image you can see a lot of ‘-’. Actually, they all are ‘0’. I want to display 0 instead of -

In the ticket I mentioned in my previous post, is written that the template used to display tables replaces zeros by dashes…
I don’t know if templates can be overridden?