Database upgrade 2.9.1 to 2.11.2 not working


I’m currently trying to upgrade my piwik from 2.9.2 to 2.11.2, as I didn’t have time for updates for quite a while.

I always do a manual upgrade and copy the SQL queries into my SQL client to excute, however, this time that doesn’t seem to be working:

When I go to my piwik I get the usual “Database Upgrade Required” message. From there I click the “› Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries that will get executed” link, copy the queries as usual and execute them with my SQL client.

However, when I navigate back to the piwik page I get the same message again.

Upon further inspecting the queries I realise that the usual query

UPDATE `piwik_option` SET option_value = "2.11.2" WHERE option_name = "version_core";

at the end is missing. Now, I know that I could just do this manually, but I’m afraid that another query might be missing too.

Can anyone help me out here?

Here is a shortened version of all the queries I get (I have only taken out the repetitions in the middle which I have indicated.

# Note: if you manually execute these queries, it is expected that some of them fail. In this case, simply ignore the errors, and run the next ones in the list.

   # ATTENTION: This update script will execute some more SQL queries than that below as it is necessary to rebuilt some archives #;
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getBrowserVersion', 'DevicesDetection_getBrowserVersions');
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getBrowser', 'DevicesDetection_getBrowsers');
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getOSFamily', 'DevicesDetection_getOsFamilies');
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getOS', 'DevicesDetection_getOsVersions');
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getMobileVsDesktop', 'DevicesDetection_getType');
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getBrowserType', 'DevicesDetection_getBrowserEngines');
   UPDATE piwik_report SET reports = REPLACE(reports, 'UserSettings_getWideScreen', 'UserSettings_getScreenType');
   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2010_01 SET name = 'Resolution_resolution' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_resolution';
   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2010_01 SET name = 'Resolution_configuration' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_configuration';

   # [the last two lines repeated for the various months until 2015-03 ]

   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2015_03 SET name = 'Resolution_resolution' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_resolution';
   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2015_03 SET name = 'Resolution_configuration' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_configuration';
   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2010_01 SET name = 'DevicePlugins_plugin' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_plugin';

  # [more repetitions]

   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2015_03 SET name = 'DevicePlugins_plugin' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_plugin';
   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2010_01 SET name = 'UserLanguage_language' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_language';

  # [more repetitions]

   UPDATE piwik_archive_blob_2015_03 SET name = 'UserLanguage_language' WHERE name = 'UserSettings_language'; 

Hi there,

it’s normal that this query is missing. you should just proceed and it should work?

Thanks! That has indeed worked. But may I suggest adding this query again so it doesn’t need to be scripted up manually in the future?