Dashboard works, but no images are loaded due to 403


It seems as if almost everything is working so far. Visitors are being tracked, graph is showing, geo map is showing. However, there are no images displayed in the “Visitors overview” widget (bottom left)

When checking the browser console it shows a 403 error for these images:

<img loading="lazy" alt="" data-src="?date=2022-12-21,2023-01-19&amp;forceView=1&amp;viewDataTable=sparkline&amp;module=API&amp;action=get&amp;disableLink=0&amp;widget=1&amp;idSite=1&amp;period=day&amp;columns=nb_visits%2Cnb_uniq_visitors" src="?date=2022-12-21,2023-01-19&amp;forceView=1&amp;viewDataTable=sparkline&amp;module=API&amp;action=get&amp;disableLink=0&amp;widget=1&amp;idSite=1&amp;period=day&amp;columns=nb_visits%2Cnb_uniq_visitors&amp;colors=%7B%22backgroundColor%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%2C%22lineColor%22%3A%22%23162c4a%22%2C%22minPointColor%22%3A%22%23ff7f7f%22%2C%22maxPointColor%22%3A%22%2375bf7c%22%2C%22lastPointColor%22%3A%22%2355aaff%22%2C%22fillColor%22%3A%22%23ffffff%22%7D" width="100" height="25">

The URL for these images is:


How can I fix this? Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Another image from the browser console network tab:

Hi @mw108 sorry for the delay.

Can you please review: Matomo reporting UI doesn’t have any css style or, the menu text appears on a white background, or I get JavaScript errors in the Matomo UI. How to fix this display problem?

And let me know if this helps.