Custom Variables, Segments and Events

Hi all,

I’m new of Piwik and I’m trying to get solved some issues about Custom Variables.

My first issue is about Custom Variables and Segments:
I want to get the data based on a Segment (e.g. gender male) which uses Custom Variables.
So I create a segment I can choose my Custom Variable name 3 (visit scope), I set “Is” as operator and “gender” as key I set on the custom variable when I was tracking. I then choose my Custom Variable name 3 (visit scope), I set “Contains” as operator and “male” as value I set on the custom variable when I was tracking.
Problem is that I don’t see filter on the data, all the visitors (male and female) are still displayed, nothing changed.
Am I doing something wrong?

My second issue is about Custom Variables and Events:
Is it possible to store a Custom Variable with an event?

Thanks in advice.

Is it possible to store a Custom Variable with an event?

It’s possible, use scope “event”

@matthieu And anything about the first issue?

Hi @hardik_chopra
Custom variables are now deprecated, then I am not sure any fix would be provided in case of minor bug.
Can you explain exactly your issue?