we’re having a problem when trying to upgrade several PIWIK instances from a manually downloaded ZIP of the latest version.
We manually download the “piwik.zip” file, mainly so we only download the file once in order to upgrade several installations, but also because the download is so slow from here that it times out more often than in succeeds if we don’t.
Anyway, this has worked successfully for us until today.
As of this last update we are receiving the error:
curl_exec: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate. Hostname requested was: builds.piwik.org
The only customisation we have in out config is to point the latest_version_url setting in our config file (piwik/config/config.ini.php) to a custom URL containing the ZIP file we manually download.
latest_version_url = "http://www.ourdomain.com/piwik-upgrade/piwik.zip"
[li] Is there something else we need to do to get this installation working?
[/li][li] What has changed since the last time we upgraded that could be causing this?
[/li][li] Is this an issue that needs to be raised as a bug?
Thanks everyone.
Kind Regards.