Cron job failed, next run missing data

Dear Forum,

since upgrading to 1.8.4, i am experience a issue with the cron job (…/misc/cron/archive.php) some times the job reports

[2012-10-04 02:06:01] [790883a6] ERROR: The Piwik URL does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was 
<some html code>
</html>'. in /srv/www/ on line 556

sometime this happens for for several hours sometimes only once, BUT always without interaction the script starts working again.

Under previous version that did not matter much, when the archive script completed it always did the statistics for every hour it missed. However under 1.8.4 the previous hours are now missing and i have a big hole in my reports.

How can i re-created the stats for the missing hours? or how can i fix the issue?

Regards Mike

Can you run the archive.php with the option --force-all-periods which will force to archive all past periods and should archiving missing data days?

I am trying to get it done using the web interface (browser) and I am getting a similar message:

The Piwik URL PATH/misc/cron/…/…/index.php does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was ‘Page not found’. in /PATH/misc/cron/archive.php on line 561

Does Piwik load correctly at the URL/path specified?

yes. i access my web stats at this location itself. it starts processing the data but crashes.

it is installed in the analytics folder of the domain.

if you copy paste the URL in Firefox does it work?

same problem.

i am assuming that it runs something in an inline frame. because when i have cloudflare enabled it activates their dead link component.

the url work for me though so I’m not sure what is going on?

it works at my end too. loads the dashboard. but the archive script is not working for some weird reason :slight_smile: