I incresed the memory limit twice as suggested but still get this error mail every 5 mins
What can I do?
ERROR Piwik\Access[2014-10-20 14:05:01] [d0c0b] Got invalid response from API request: http://xxxx/piwik/index.php?module=API&method=API.getDefaultMetricTranslations&format=original&serialize=1&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. This solution to this error is generally to increase the value of ‘memory_limit’ in your php.ini file. Please check your Web server Error Log file for more details.
ERROR Piwik\Access[2014-10-20 14:05:01] [d0c0b] The Piwik URL xxxx.de does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was ‘’.
[20-Oct-2014 12:35:20 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘Piwik_Plugin’ not found in /home/trinkgu/public_html/xxx.de/piwik/plugins/VisitorGenerator/VisitorGenerator.php on line 17
[20-Oct-2014 12:36:05 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘Piwik_Plugin’ not found in /home/trinkgu/public_html/xxx.de/piwik/plugins/SecurityInfo/SecurityInfo.php on line 17
[20-Oct-2014 12:36:20 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘Piwik_Plugin’ not found in /home/trinkgu/public_html/xxx.de/piwik/plugins/VisitorGenerator/VisitorGenerator.php on line 17
[20-Oct-2014 12:48:24 UTC] Error in Piwik: Das Datumsformat muss YYYY-MM-DD, or ‘today’ or ‘yesterday’ oder eine andere, von der Funktion strtotime unterstützte Zeichenkette sein. (Besuchen Sie PHP: strtotime - Manual für nähere Informationen):