Cron error message


I’ve a problem with cron job in my piwik installation. I get emails with following errors:

There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the Piwik forums.

    Notice: Undefined property:  Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::$strDateStart in /var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/plugins/EntryPage/EntryPage.php on line 71

Backtrace -->#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(8, Undefined property: Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::$strDateStart, /var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/plugins/EntryPage/EntryPage.php, 71, Array ([notification] => Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => ArchiveProcessing_Day.compute,[_notificationObject] => Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day Object ([] => 9679,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_numeric,[] => piwik_archive_numeric_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_blob,[] => piwik_archive_blob_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => 1297832733,[] => 1,[] => 1,[idsite] => 23,[period] => Piwik_Period_Day Object ([] => day,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1297839933,[] => UTC)),[site] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 23),[time] => 1297836333,[startDatetimeUTC] => 2011-02-15 23:00:00,[strDateEnd] => ,[logTable] => piwik_log_visit,[logVisitActionTable] => piwik_log_link_visit_action… count(0) as nb_visits, sum(v.visit_total_actions) as nb_actions, max(v.visit_total_actions) as max_actions, sum(v.visit_total_time) as sum_visit_length, sum(case v.visit_total_actions when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as bounce_count, sum(case v.visit_goal_converted when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as nb_visits_converted FROM piwik_log_visit v INNER JOIN piwik_log_action a ON a.idaction = v.visit_entry_idaction_url WHERE visit_server_date = ? AND idsite = ? GROUP BY referer_type, referer_url, entry_action ORDER BY nb_visits DESC)) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/plugins/EntryPage/EntryPage.php:71]#1 Piwik_EntryPage->archiveDay(Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => ArchiveProcessing_Day.compute,[_notificationObject] => Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day Object ([] => 9679,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_numeric,[] => piwik_archive_numeric_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_blob,[] => piwik_archive_blob_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => 1297832733,[] => 1,[] => 1,[idsite] => 23,[period] => Piwik_Period_Day Object ([] => day,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1297839933,[] => UTC)),[site] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 23),[time] => 1297836333,[startDatetimeUTC] => 2011-DateEnd] => ,[logTable] => piwik_log_visit,[logVisitActionTable] => piwik_log_link_visit_action,[logActionTable] => piwik_log_action,[] => 0,[isThereSomeVisits] => 1,[] => 1297836333,[] => 1297897199,[] => 16,[] => 0,[db] => Piwik_Db_Adapter_Pdo_M…#2 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_EntryPage Object ([archiveProcessing] => ,[] => 2,[] => ,[] => 50),[1] => archiveDay), Array ([0] => Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => ArchiveProcessing_Day.compute,[_notificationObject] => Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day Object ([] => 9679,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_numeric,[] => piwik_archive_numeric_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_blob,[] => piwik_archive_blob_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => 1297832733,[] => 1,[] => 1,[idsite] => 23,[period] => Piwik_Period_Day Object ([] => day,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1297839933,[] => UTC)),[site] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 23),[time] => 1297836333,[startDatetimeUTC] => 2011-02-15 23:00:00,[strDateEnd] => ,[logTable] => piwik_log_visit,[logVisitActionTable] => piwik_log_link_visit_action,[logActionTable] => piwik_log_action,…#3 Event_Dispatcher->postNotification(Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => ArchiveProcessing_Day.compute,[_notificationObject] => Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day Object ([] => 9679,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_numeric,[] => piwik_archive_numeric_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_blob,[] => piwik_archive_blob_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => 1297832733,[] => 1,[] => 1,[idsite] => 23,[period] => Piwik_Period_Day Object ([] => day,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1297839933,[] => UTC)),[site] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 23),[time] => 1297836333,[startDatetimeUTC] => 2011-02-15 23:00:00,[strDateEnd] => ,[logTable] => piwik_log_visit,[logVisitActionTable] => piwik_log_link_visit_action,[logActionTable] => piwik_log_action,[] => 0,[isThereSomeVisits] => 1,[] => 1297836333,[] => 1297897199,[] => 16,[] => 0,[db] => Piwik_Db_Adapte…#4 Piwik_PostEvent(ArchiveProcessing_Day.compute, Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day Object ([] => 9679,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_numeric,[] => piwik_archive_numeric_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => Piwik_TablePartitioning_Monthly Object ([] => archive_blob,[] => piwik_archive_blob_2011_02,[] => 1297839933,[] => 23),[] => 1297832733,[] => 1,[] => 1,[idsite] => 23,[period] => Piwik_Period_Day Object ([] => day,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1297839933,[] => UTC)),[site] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 23),[time] => 1297836333,[startDatetimeUTC] => 2011-02-15 23:00:00,[strDateEnd] => ,[logTable] => piwik_log_visit,[logVisitActionTable] => piwik_log_link_visit_action,[logActionTable] => piwik_log_action,[] => 0,[isThereSomeVisits] => 1,[] => 1297836333,[] => 1297897199,[] => 16,[] => 0,[db] => Piwik_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ([] => mysql,[] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 1,[2] => 2,[INT] => 0,[INTEGER] => 0,[…#5 Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day->compute() called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/ArchiveProcessing.php:412]#6 Piwik_ArchiveProcessing->launchArchiving() called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/Archive/Single.php:191]#7 Piwik_Archive_Single->prepareArchive() called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/Archive.php:180]#8 Piwik_Archive::build(23, day, Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1297839933,[] => UTC)) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/Archive/Array/IndexedByDate.php:32]#9 Piwik_Archive_Array_IndexedByDate->__construct(Piwik_Site Object ([] => 23), day, last52) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/Archive.php:145]#10 Piwik_Archive::build(23, day, last52) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/plugins/VisitsSummary/API.php:98]#11 Piwik_VisitsSummary_API->getNumeric(23, day, last52, nb_visits) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/plugins/VisitsSummary/API.php:105]#12 Piwik_VisitsSummary_API->getVisits(23, day, last52) called at [(null):0]#13 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_VisitsSummary_API Object (),[1] => getVisits), Array ([0] => 23,[1] => day,[2] => last52)) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/API/Proxy.php:150]#14 Piwik_API_Proxy->call(Piwik_VisitsSummary_API, getVisits, Array ([token_auth] => 0c1a5a9b5495790b362a58aef3aa82c6,[–] => ,[module] => API,[method] => VisitsSummary.getVisits,[idSite] => 23,[period] => day,[date] => last52,[format] => xml,[filter_limit] => 50)) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/API/Request.php:117]#15 Piwik_API_Request->process() called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/plugins/API/Controller.php:27]#16 Piwik_API_Controller->index() called at [(null):0]#17 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_API_Controller Object ([] => API,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 23,[] => ),[1] => index), Array ()) called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/core/FrontController.php:125]#18 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch() called at [/var/www/web4/html/tools/stats/index.php:60]

The emails are much longer than this. I do attach a pdf file with all informations
Can anybody help me please.

Thanks and Regards

[attachment 74 PiwikErrorMessage.pdf]

EntryPage plugin is not compatible with Piwik 1.1.1 and greater : Plugin EntryPage - shows where your visitors hit your site and from where they came · Issue #732 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub