Cron E-Mail Message, Normal?


I set up cron on an hourly basis and I am receiving e-mails with the following message below.

Is it normal? I have not yet included javascript code yet. Please advise. Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Axl Jay Angel

[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] NOTE: if you execute this script at least once per hour (or more often) in a crontab, you may disable 'Browser trigger archiving' in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings. 
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96]       see doc at:
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] ---------------------------
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] INIT
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Querying Piwik API at:
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Running as Super User: Administrator
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Notes
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] - Reports for today will be processed at most every 10 seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings.
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] - Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every 3600 seconds.
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] - Archiving was last executed without error 59s ago
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Will process 0 websites with new visits since 59s 
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] ---------------------------
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] START
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Starting Piwik reports archiving...
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Done archiving!
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] ---------------------------
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] SUMMARY
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Total daily visits archived: 0
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Archived today's reports for 0 websites
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Archived week/month/year for 0 websites. 
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Skipped 1 websites: no new visit since the last script execution
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Skipped 0 websites day archiving: existing daily reports are less than 10 seconds old
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Skipped 0 websites week/month/year archiving: existing periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Total API requests: 0
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] done: 0/0, 0 v, 0 wtoday, 0 wperiods, 0 req, 1 ms, no error
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Time elapsed: 0.002s
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] ---------------------------
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] SCHEDULED TASKS
[2012-02-29 22:51:01] [7439fb96] Starting Scheduled tasks... 
[2012-02-29 22:51:02] [7439fb96]  No task to run
[2012-02-29 22:51:02] [7439fb96] done

Yes, that’s the normal output from archive.php

You should redirect it to a log file if you don’t want to get the info per mail.

See How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports - Analytics Platform - Matomo

5 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php5 /path/to/piwik/misc/cron/archive.php --url= > /home/example/piwik-archive.log

The “> /home/example/piwik-archive.log” is the redirect into the log file (errors will still come by email)

Ah, I did not read the Linux indications. I went straight to the cPanel section for cron set up.

Thank you for your help.

In that case there should be a general preference for cron output in cPanel (don’t know it). But a redirect as indicated above should work, also.

Yes, the redirect as indicated worked and the piwik-archive.log is correctly written. Thank you again.

Thanks, I updated the doc to put the redirect in the cpanel section