Cron archive get an error everyday

ERROR CoreConsole[2014-05-17 00:10:52] [69f4a] Got invalid response from API request: Response was 'task,output CoreAdminHome.purgeOutdatedArchives,Time elapsed: 1.211s API.sendReport_1,ERROR: API returned an error: Trying to add two strings values in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray: '0%' + '100%' at Row.php:581  API.sendReport_2,ERROR: API returned an error: Trying to add two strings values in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray: '0%' + '0%' at Row.php:581  API.sendReport_3,Time elapsed: 20.293s PrivacyManager.deleteReportData,Time elapsed: 0.007s PrivacyManager.deleteLogData,Time elapsed: 0.001s Piwik\Plugins\CorePluginsAdmin\MarketplaceApiClient.clearAllCacheEntries,Time elapsed: 0.004s CorePluginsAdmin.sendNotificationIfUpdatesAvailable,Time elapsed: 0.008s CoreAdminHome.optimizeArchiveTable,Time elapsed: 0.712s CoreUpd
 ater.sendNotificationIfUpdateAvailable,Time elapsed: 0.008s'
ERROR CoreConsole[2014-05-17 00:10:52] [69f4a] 1 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.

Here is my cron:

$ cat /etc/cron.d/piwik-archive 
10 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php5 /usr/local/piwik/console core:archive --url= > /usr/local/piwik/piwik-archive.log

Only 00:10 will get this error, other times it work.

Bug has been fixed in latest beta: I would like to test early beta and RC releases, how do I enable automatic updates to use these development versions? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Good to hear. Thanks.