Country level visitor tracking


There should be an option(may be pop up should appear) while creating website to select countries that we do not want to track visitors from and if no country is selected then all visitors from all countries should be tracked.

If we apply country filter later on then previous visitors session should also be ignored.[/size]

Best Regards,
Saqib Ali


I think this would be really great! Is there something new regarding this topic?
Currently we are facing the problem that we have traffic from all over the world, but we only offer a german service. So we would like to only include a few countries/ exclude most countries.

It would be really great to have a feature like Saqib suggested!

You can do it thanks to segments:

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Thanks for your answer Phillippe! :slight_smile:
I will definitly use this approach. But if we want to filter/ segment for something else, like the device or so, we always add the country filters and than the device filter too. Or can we use two segments at a time?

No, you’ll have to always add the country filter… :-S But, with segments (that are not exactly from filters), you can compare data from a segment to data from another thanks to theimageicon

If you want to exclude definitively some data, it is possible to remove them thanks to the GDPR tool: How to delete unwanted / accidentally tracked data? - Support & Bugs - Matomo forums

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Hi, also contains a country filter.

But keep in mind that GeoIP is never completely correct and excluding countries is a blunt tool that might exclude things you don’t want to have excluded.