Country codes in country segment?

I’m creating a segment by country, but I can’t just enter country names into the field, Piwik insists on using some 2-letter abbreviations.

I thought maybe it’s ISO 3166-1 codes, but no dice, they don’t match up properly.

So, where do these codes come from and where can I find a list of them?

Surprised the segment filters work so poorly. Providing random codes instead of making it possible to filter by a country name is a huge annoyance.

Hi there,

Surprised the segment filters work so poorly. Providing random codes instead of making it possible to filter by a country name is a huge annoyance.

Agreed, we should fix it! can you please report this in the issue tracker: and we’ll take a look


Also, is there any list to refer OS codes, browser codes, region,.etc with values?

  • Ruchit

Hi Ruchit,

Also, is there any list to refer OS codes, browser codes, region,.etc with values?

We don’t currently have such list but I think it would be very valuable. can you please create a feature request on our tracker:

Have already created ticket. No response on GIthub for it. List of codes used like country, region, city in piwik · Issue #8149 · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

Great. I review all tickets every few months, next time will come up soon