Conversion rate of goal per page


I’ve set up a goal. How can I see the different conversion rates of this goal per-page?

Unfortunately, there is no report for the Goal URL, but there are several ways to work around this:

  1. Use CustomReports Plugin (not free), using “user that converted specific goal id” as dimension 1 and “page url” as dimension 2, hits as metric
  2. instead of directly triggering the goal, trigger an event that carries the URL or Custom Dimensions. Additionally, you can also trigger the goal (attached to the event), but basically, you can then analyse the custom dimension / event reports to get the URLs that were responsible for a conversion


thank you for your reply. I’m currently trying to do it with the Custom Reports plugin. But how can I see the conversion RATE per page for this goal? The solution you provided would just give me the amount and not the rate per page.