Confusing errors in CronArchive.php

Hey there

Matomo recently started to send me cron mails like this:

Subject: Cron <www-data@redacted> /usr/bin/php /redacted/console core:archive --url=https://piwik.redacted/ > /redacted/logs/piwik-archive.log
In CronArchive.php line 648:
  16 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try an 
  d fix these errors.                                                         

core:archive [--url URL] [--skip-idsites [SKIP-IDSITES]] [--skip-all-segments] [--force-idsites [FORCE-IDSITES]] [--skip-segments-today] [--force-periods [FORCE-PERIODS]] [--force-date-last-n [FORCE-DATE-LAST-N]] [--force-date-range [FORCE-DATE-RANGE]] [--force-idsegments FORCE-IDSEGMENTS] [--concurrent-requests-per-website [CONCURRENT-REQUESTS-PER-WEBSITE]] [--concurrent-archivers [CONCURRENT-ARCHIVERS]] [--max-websites-to-process MAX-WEBSITES-TO-PROCESS] [--max-archives-to-process MAX-ARCHIVES-TO-PROCESS] [--disable-scheduled-tasks] [--accept-invalid-ssl-certificate] [--php-cli-options [PHP-CLI-OPTIONS]] [--force-all-websites] [--force-report [FORCE-REPORT]]

but when I look in /redacted/logs/piwik-archive.log, there are no errors. Only INFO messages. There’s even a line saying “no errors occured”

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards

Same problem here.

Executing the command from the console like:

sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/matomo/console core:archive --url=

doesn’t show any error.

Same for me. I have two Google Cloud servers (running cron as www-data), one with no problem, the other with this.