Changing logo


Have upgraded to version 1.5 and attempting to upload a logo in the branding section but it is never displayed. I have ensured the dimensions are correct and no transparency.

When I click Save it says that all has been saved okay.

What may be causing this ?

clean cache ?

Have cleaned all the cache :frowning:

Is this working for everybody else ? Anything I can check ?

In the piwik_option table, update the option_value (where option_name = ‘piwikUrl’) to your external URL.

mysql> select * from piwik_option where option_name like '%version_core%';
| option_name              | option_value | autoload |
| version_core             | 1.2-rc1      |        1 | 
| version_CorePluginsAdmin | 1.2-rc1      |        1 | 
| version_CoreAdminHome    | 1.2-rc1      |        1 | 
| version_CoreHome         | 1.2-rc1      |        1 | 
| version_CoreUpdater      | 1.2-rc1      |        1 | 

That does not look good yet I have updated the installation on each release; and it does show as being version 1.5. piwikUrl does not show in that table :frowning:

did you change the table prefix? maybe you have another database instance?