Cannot login - invalid token

I cannot log in to Matomo anymore, I get the following error message:

Fehler : Formularsicherheit fehlgeschlagen, Token stimmt nicht überein. Bitte laden Sie das Formular neu und überprüfen Sie, ob Ihre Cookies aktiviert sind.

Which means: Security Issue, invalid token. Reload form and activate cookies. I post here because there was no response in the German forum. This happens in different browsers, Cookies are active, it first happened four weeks ago and since then I cannot log in anymore. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Daniel

Did you try in private mode?

Yes, I did - no difference

Nobody else has any idea? Nobody else has the same problem?

The same problem: " Fehler : Formularsicherheit fehlgeschlagen, Token stimmt nicht überein. Bitte laden Sie das Formular neu und überprüfen Sie, ob Ihre Cookies aktiviert sind." Any Ideas.

Can you check if there is some JavaScript error in the browser console?
Also if there is some HTTP error in the network log.
Last check to do: the matomo server log…

@innocraft, any other idea?

Hi @danielmarsch ,

Have a you tried to clear the cookies by any chance?

Was there a final solution here?

Just for information:
If this problem happens, please look at the browser console. In particular, check in the network-analysis whether a 500 HTTP error has occurred during Matomo requests and see whether there is an error response text from Matomo in this request.
In my case, I saw that there was a problem accessing the database. This gave me a clue as to what to do next.

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