Not sure if this is related, but after I reverted archiving settings to the default Archive reports when viewed from the browser = Yes, I started seeing historical data. Would appreciate a confirmation if this is the solution.
Thank you for the advice, Luke. I don’t understand the ‘archiving’ part: I don’t want the data to be archived, I want it to be right here, not somewhere deep in a warehouse, so to speak. What does archiving do? How is it related to historical records?
“Archiving” isn’t the perfect term, I know, but it describes the process in which Matomo takes the raw list of every single visitor on the website (so what you see in the visitor log) and calculates all other reports from it.
It’s quite computationally expensive (depending on the number of visitors) and therefore doing it in advance with the cronjob instead of when opening Matomo speeds things up a lot.