Campaign Tracking not working (Matomo 5.1 & WP 6.5.5)

Hey there!

I’ve used the built-in campaign link generator to create the following campaign tracking link:

A few users already clicked on that link but I can’t see any statistics in the campaign dashboard.

I’ve tried it before with a LinkedIn campaign and it didn’t work either.
I’ve installed the Marketing Campaigns Reporting (Matomo Plugin). Doesn’t matter if that plugin is activated or deactivated - it doesn’t work.

Looking forward to your help!

I can confirm the same issue.

Created a mtm url for a GMB listing and clicked it over 10x times from various servers/ip addresses. Only shows 2 entries in the database.

Also tried it on a different domain and nothing shows up in the database.

However, I can see the small grey boxes that display the tracking links, so I’m wondering how they can be displayed, but the data isn’t in the table.

Hi @marsronny, @Escond1do,

Does your application change the browser URL? For example, on Angular, query parameters are moved into hash parameters, the Matomo can’t identify them as campaign tracking.
Also what is your exclusion parameters list?
Can you check (and share) the tracking request sent to Matomo while browsing from the campaign?

I don’t have anything in the exclusion list and the url doesn’t get modified.

I think I figured out the issue. On the GMB website I have WP Rocket installed with “delay javascript execution” selected. That seemed to block Matomo. I unselected that option and now tracking seems to work.

I have no idea how to make it work with that plugin, but I did submit a ticket. The GMB website is on a completely different server and I’m using the proxy script to hide my matomo url.