Campaign keywords to be tracked separatly


I try out just the campaign-tracking with a newsletter. In the newsletter are several different links which i want to be tracked separately. So I give every link the same campaign name, but different keywords. So far so good.

In PIWIK, however, always is shown only the first chosen link (e.g., Keword “1”) if afterwards other links (with other Keywords) are clicked, they are counted only as actions of the first link. However, I would like all Keywords be tracked separately. Is the 30 Min-visitor-timout the problem? Is there a solution for it?

Kind regards from rainy Bremen,

yes the 30 min is the “problem” but it is by design. You can lower the visit timeout; General - Analytics Platform - Matomo

yes, I know: but there you can lower the timout only in general, for all trackings.
is it possible to change it only for for the campaign tracking?