Auto-Upgrade not possible?

When I log into Matomo, I see a “NEW UPDATE” note in the top of screen.
When I click update, and select automatic update, I get this error:

We’re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

I have tried logging out and in again; and tried different browsers.

I am on Matomo 5.1.2 and new version is 5.2.0.

How to fix?

Same problem with me.

Hi @Rurmeer , @EgonSnipes
You may perform manuall update bu:

  1. Unzip new Matomo version at the previous place of Matomo
  2. Update Database: ./path/to/matomo/console core:update

Thanks Philippe, that´s what I did.