i use 3 Piwik installations on different servers for about 40 domains. Because it took so much time to switch between all the domains and installations to view the stats, i made one html-page with iframes of the current stats from all 40 domains.
So i can save a lot of time. Thanks a lot for the tool guys!
But theres one thing which i want to improve: I have to log in at each of the 3 installations first, before i can see my stats on the page with the iframes. I dont want to make the stats available for anonymous users - so i have to log in first - then i can see the stats on my page with the iframes.
I thought it must be possible to do some kind of auto-login. My way would be to put the login-urls of the 3 installations into 3 small iframes, which load the login-url including name and pw and put them on the page with all the iframes too.
I tried to get the url which is sent for the login with Firebug - but something seems missing, when i open this url, i dont login - i just get the login-form again.
Can you give me an example of how to do a post by javascript? I have no experience in this field. Especially because i have to post the data to three different urls, how can i accomplish that?