Ata base set up does not work, heteml DBname uses underscore

I am using server heteml. The data base name begins with underscore like “_test”. It is not possible to set up the data base.
I did two tests:
Test 1
Database Server:
Login: _test
Password: password
Database Name: test
Table Prefix: matomo

Adapter: PDO/MYSQL

In this case the error message is the following:
Please fix the following errors:
Database Name is not valid

Test 2
Database Server:
Login: test
Password: password
Database Name: test <<<<<< no underscore/ no blanc
Table Prefix matomo

Adapter: PDO/MYSQL
In this case the error message is the following:

 Please fix the following errors:

Either the Database does not exist (and could not be created), or      the specified User has insufficient privileges. Database user must have the following privileges: CREATE

 You can add these privileges by using a tool such as phpMyAdmin or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don't know how to do these things, please ask your sysadmin to grant these privileges for you.

How to fix this problem?

sorry, one typing mistake:
second test: login of cause with: _test


Meantime I could solve this problem:
1.) Download and install old version 27-Oct-2016 13:49 16M
Server name is
this version accepts underscore
2.) create a new data base, like _test
3.) start piwik: DB - log-in name and DB name is like " _test"
4.) Make Piwik set -up as usually and close.
5.) Start again piwik: piwik will propose to up date to matomo 3.4.0 (2018/04/17)
Follow auto-up date and agree to update also the still new / empty/ not touched data base
6.) Close and start again.
Everything will work fine.
I confirmed this method using two different data created by heteml.

Good luck

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Hi - having the same problem with a fresh install of piwiki 3.8.14. Found this post, downloaded 2.17.0 (from here ran through the setup fine, then updated to 3.8.14 (had to delete the whole analytics folder then copy the unzipped files up and ran through the setup again).
Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for nice feedback!

Yes, I also found that when I first open this.