Archiving - what am I doing wrong?

Honestly not sure what Im doing wrong with archiving, here is my cron:

10 /1 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/console core:archive --url=https://matomo../ --concurrent-archivers=4 --concurrent-requests-per-website=5 >> /var/log/matomo-archive.log

sometimes it runs fine and archives in under 5mins, sometimes it seems to go back to way older dates and then runs for hours and hours - essentially breaking any new archiving so I have to go in and kill all archiving processes and run it again manually and then leave the cron from there. Any clue what else I could be doing to have the archiving run better?

Hi @warren_laya

Can you check if the period of these archiving are still day?
Indeed, for example when the year archiving is running, the date parameter is set to 1st of January…

Also, can you check if you don’t provide to Matomo some trackings in the past?