Archive Processor Undefined offest

For some time now, I am getting the following error:

WARNING: piwik/core/ArchiveProcessor.php(456): Notice - Undefined offset: 39 - Piwik 3.0.2 - Please report this message in the Piwik forums: (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)

DIdn’t find that mentioned anywhere in the forums before, so here we go with my first bug report…

I have different sites where for long periods of time there are no visits tracked at all (like from March 9 to 23), which is highly unlikely, but I don’t know if that has something to do with this error. Overall, since 3.0, piwik seems completely buggy and unreliable, and if it is not for this specific error, I would love to get some advice what I could try to fix this to gain confidence again.


When you have bugs please report them (one issue per bug) in our tracker here: Issues · piwik/piwik · GitHub

Hi Matthieu,
thanks for your reply. Maybe you should change the notice on the warning that specifically tells me to report this in the forums, when you want to have it reported on github actually…

Please report this message in the Piwik forums: (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)

I’ll report it there as well then.