Archive process is finished immediately after its start

I imported logs,then I ran the following command to archive for site id 1.

/usr/bin/php /var/www/matomo/console core:archive --url=http://localhost --force-idsites=1 --force-date-range=2020-07-01,2020-07-31

There is no error, but the archive is finished immediately after its start.
The log is below.

INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:22] 8045 ---------------------------
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:22] 8045 INIT
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:22] 8045 Running Matomo 4.3.1 as Super User
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:22] 8045 ---------------------------
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:22] 8045 NOTES
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 - Async process archiving supported, using CliMulti.
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 - Archiving was last executed without error 2s ago
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 - Will process 1 websites (–force-idsites)
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 - Will process specified sites: 1
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 ---------------------------
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 START
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Starting Matomo reports archiving…
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Start processing archives for site 1.
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Finished archiving for site 1, 0 API requests, Time elapsed: 0.579s [1 / 1 done]
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Done archiving!
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 ---------------------------
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 SUMMARY
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Processed 0 archives.
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Total API requests: 0
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 done: 0 req, 623 ms, no error
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Time elapsed: 0.623s
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 ---------------------------
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 Starting Scheduled tasks…
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 done
INFO [2021-09-15 03:16:23] 8045 ---------------------------

I also ran archiving for site id 3.

/usr/bin/php /var/www/matomo/console core:archive --url=http://localhost --force-idsites=3 --force-date-range=2020-07-01,2020-07-31

archived as follows.I think this is the normal archiving process.

INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:26] 17932 Start processing archives for site 3.
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:30] 17932 Archived website id 3, period = day, date = 2020-07-31, segment = ‘’, 1185 visits found. Time elapsed: 2.251s
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:30] 17932 Archived website id 3, period = day, date = 2020-07-30, segment = ‘’, 1291 visits found. Time elapsed: 2.518s
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:30] 17932 Archived website id 3, period = day, date = 2020-07-29, segment = ‘’, 1275 visits found. Time elapsed: 2.787s

INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:49] 17932 Archived website id 3, period = month, date = 2020-07-01, segment = ‘’, 37294 visits found. Time elapsed: 2.172s
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:50] 17932 Archived website id 3, period = week, date = 2020-06-29, segment = ‘’, 6205 visits found. Time elapsed: 1.098s
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:51] 17932 Archived website id 3, period = year, date = 2020-01-01, segment = ‘’, 37294 visits found. Time elapsed: 0.829s
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:51] 17932 Finished archiving for site 3, 38 API requests, Time elapsed: 25.224s [1 / 1 done]
INFO [2021-09-15 06:52:51] 17932 Done archiving!

I can see the analysis result for site id 3,but can’t see it for site id 1 on matomo.
This is the first time that both sites have been archived for this period.

So,I added option -v, when I ran the following command to archive for site id 1 again.

/usr/bin/php /var/www/matomo/console core:archive --url=http://localhost --force-idsites=1 --force-date-range=2020-07-01,2020-07-31 -v

I found this message in log for site id 1.

DEBUG [2021-09-15 08:25:23] 26525 Could not find stored segment for done flag hash: done166bd7e6a979d98317509b08823c38f0

What does this mean?
Why does the archiving process for idsite 1 finish immediately after its start?

The situation has changed.
I ran the commands listed in the topic over and over again, and the archive command ran normally.

/usr/bin/php /var/www/matomo/console core:archive --url=http://localhost --force-idsites=1 --force-date-range=2020-07-01,2020-07-31 -v

I simply ran the archive command over and over, I did not change any settings on the server or matomo.

The following message, which appeared when the archive was finished immediately after it started, did not appear when the archive was successful.

DEBUG [2021-09-15 08:25:23] 26525 Could not find stored segment for done flag hash: done166bd7e6a979d98317509b08823c38f0

Does anyone know what the meaning of the message was?