Archive.php logs timestamp showing wrong time

I have scheduled my cron to run archive.php every hour but i am looking timestamps at archive logs file it showing 4 hour time difference. How do i fix it?

[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] ---------------------------
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] SUMMARY
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Total daily visits archived: 15
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Archived today's reports for 2 websites
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Archived week/month/year for 2 websites.
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Skipped 5 websites: no new visit since the last script execution
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Skipped 0 websites day archiving: existing daily reports are less than 3600 seconds old
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Skipped 0 websites week/month/year archiving: existing periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Total API requests: 8
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] done: 2/2 100%, 15 v, 2 wtoday, 2 wperiods, 8 req, 1513 ms, no error
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Time elapsed: 1.513s
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] ---------------------------
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] SCHEDULED TASKS
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] Starting Scheduled tasks...
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473]  No task to run
[2012-06-21 20:01:03] [bbebc473] done
[root@server1 ~]#
[root@server1 ~]# date
Thu Jun 21 16:02:51 EDT 2012

it’s showing UTC times (this is a best practise)