archive_blob huge after update to 2.14.3

[attachment 2428 Capture.JPG]Hello.

We have updated to 2.14.3 in the first week of September and after that the archive_blob_2015_09 started to grow a lot (10.6GB), like archive_blob_2015_10 which is today with 14.8GB, has you can see on the image in attachment [attachment 2428 Capture.JPG].

Those tables used to have more or less 600MB.
Any idea of whats causing this?

Thank you in advance.


Sorry, i guess this issue was already posted at Report archives have tripled in size since update to 2.10 · Issue #7181 · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

Next time ill have more attention.

Hi there,

Which version did you upgrade from?

Can you please try upgrade to our latest RC which should fix the issue: I would like to test early beta and RC releases, how do I enable automatic updates to use these development versions? - Analytics Platform - Matomo


Well if I’m not mistaken since we made the update in beginning of September, it was from 2.14.2.

For the upgrade to the release candidate should I make a backup? I know it’s a dumb question, 40GB that’s why I’m asking :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Tried to update… got the following error when i try to access piwik:
Variable “enableMeasurePiwikForSiteId” does not exist in “_piwikTag.twig” at line 3




So this problem appears to be related with the Zeitgeist plugin which I uninstalled.
The update is done and working.

The huge tables still there, is there a way to reduce the size of them?

Thank you fo your support.

Best regards.
