Hi Piwik community
We are constantly working to improve Piwik features and User Interface. To help with this, we are planning to do usability testing of Piwik on your experience with the product.
Description of the test
The usability test session will take place in a browser connected to the Internet. You will access a special Piwik instance prepared for the session.
You will be prompted to navigate through a few tasks and there will be several opportunities to provide feedback from each task as well as overall thoughts on your Piwik experience. It is the Piwik application being tested, not you There will be no trick questions or right or wrong steps to complete a task or answer a question. The session should take no more than 20 to 30 minutes.
All participants must be existing Piwik users, but we also welcome recent users as well.
We are looking for 10 volunteers!
Questions & apply to volunteer for the usability testing
If you are interested to participate in this testing, or if you have any question, please ask by email at matt@piwik.org, subject “Usability test volunteer”, and please specify in the message your name, country, how long have you been using Piwik, your approximate availability time zone.
Thank you!